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Wednesday, 26 February 2014

SSL Connection error

This is a funny one - Google Chrome fails to connect on startup with an SSL connection error. It can visit other sites, but not https sites. The answer is unexpected - the date and time need to be set correctly!!

Friday, 14 February 2014

XP partially reprieved!

Microsoft have (sort of) extended the life of Windows XP by another 15 months. The original date for ending of support was April 8th 2014 - updates will cease on this date, but support for Microsoft Security Essentials will now continue until July 14th 2015. This means everyone has a little more time to consider what they want to do with their older XP machines - though with no Windows updates available, the best thing to do is to take action right away. Either now or next year - reinstall, replace, or take it offline!

If you're planning well ahead, the equivalent date for Windows Vista is April 11th 2017, for Windows 7 January 14th 2020, and for Windows 8 January 10th 2023.

Wednesday, 12 February 2014

Linux Mint

With the loss of Windows XP as a viable operating system (see the NickWorks pages) NickWorks has been looking into alternatives. If you want to just do basic computing (web browser, email etc) and aren't strongly in need of running specific Windows applications, a Linux setup would be an option.

Linux Mint looks good.

(1) You can run it off a DVD without changing anything at all.
(2) If you like it, you can install it locally, which makes it run faster.
(3) When it installs, it can leave the machine dual-booting, so that Windows XP is still there and working if you choose it at boot time.
(4) All the old files will be visible under Linux.
(5) Applications are slightly different, but similar! Firefox is the default web browser, Thunderbird does email, and LibreOffice is a freeware Office variant. All these things are there and working by default, as well as things to listen to music, edit pictures etc.
(6) Windows applications can be run too, through a Linux application called WINE.
(7) It's free!!

The downside?  Making Windows programs work can require fiddling about, or might prove impossible - so this setup is best for people who don't really need any particular Windows application.

Contact NickWorks if you want to try Linux out.

Friday, 7 February 2014

I hate the CAPS LOCK!!

CAPS LOCK is a key that once was useful, but most people now find it an annoyance. If you accidentally press it you will end up with things like:


and if you are talking to another person  online you will be accused of "shouting"!!

You can disable the caps lock key as follows (warning - this is messing with the registry and if you do it wrong it might break things!!):

1. Start the registry editor by typing "regedit" in the Run box.
2. Navigate to  HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout
3. Set the value of "Scancode Map" to
00000000 00000000 02000000 00003A00 00000000
4. Reboot your computer.

The CAPS LOCK key will now do nothing. To reverse this, set the number to 0.