We are told that the internet has opened up wonderful new ways of shopping. At the touch of a button we can source our product, compare all the deals, and pick a good one. So when I saw a promotion from an online printing company for "Club Promoter Packs" I thought something good was heading our way.
In the running of small clubs, orchestras etc we often want to promote an event by creating a set of flyers, posters etc all bearing the same image but in different sizes. The "Promoter Pack" offered 1000 A6 flyers, 10 A4 posters and 5 A3 posters. Perfect! Except we would like a package that uses A5 flyers, not A6.
No problem, we will google "Club Promoter Pack" and see who else has a similar product. The search produces a list of around 40 different printers ALL OFFERING EXACTLY THE SAME PACKAGES. They haven't even bothered to write their own text. All say "we don't farm out our print to other companies" and "some of the most competitive lithographic prices in the UK!" ...but as all are offering exactly the same wares and options, I rather think the printing is also coming from one source.
So there's your wonderful range of choice offered by the web.