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Tuesday 18 September 2018

Windows windows

A couple of handy little things that make handling windows easier in Windows 10. I use multiple screens quite often and it's handy to be able to switch applications between one screen and another. Try this:

Make sure the window you want to move has the focus, ie click the mouse in it anywhere. Then hold down the Windows key and use the arrow keys to move the window around. Right and left arrows move it to right, left and middle of the screen, and across to the next screen if there is one. Up arrow maximizes. Down arrow restores or minimizes.

Next - if there is a particular size or placement that you want an application to adopt when it opens, get it how you want it, and then close it with the X button, whilst holding down the CTRL key. Next time you open that application, magic! It will be in the same place and the same size as last time.